Monday, June 16, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust

So I have this problem, I keep losing my friends! They keep getting "better" friends, friends with benefits, boyfriends. And it's happened again, Yes, one of my dear friends that I hang out with a lot just got herself a serious boyfriend and now I never get to see her! I can only assume it will get worse when she most likely gets engaged and then married. I can't be mad at her though for wanting to spend more time with him than me, because I would do exactly the same thing to her if a great guy came around for me.

It seems that girl friends drop off the planet for about a year after they engaged and married, then after that they realize that they actually do need girl friends and that they miss you and want to see you more. It's a bit devasting to one social circle because all the plans you made kind of fall through and you have to find someone to fill your friends place. See my previous post about the friend cycle, (Oh and Future Spinster Librarian whose blog I read occasionally has gone and got herself engaged so I guess I have to take her off of my Spinster blog list soon, oh well).
Anyway such is the life of a spinster. Anyone out there want to be my friend?


i i eee said...

I'll be your friend!

I'm probably more amiable in real life, too. ;)

Yeah, you can't help but be happy for your friend, but it definitely changes the dynamic of your friendship. But that's okay. Change is good. And someday, it'll be your turn.

Brenda said...

Geesh, and I thought I was your friend...... I guess I know where I stand in your friendship list :)

Spinster in the City (SitC) said...

Oh please tortuga, you have to have a few friends, what if you get a boyfriend soon too, then I'd really have no one.

Mormonja said...

Wow. That sucks that your friend has ditched you for a boy. I bet she really really likes being with him. I bet he's a lot more fun to cuddle with than you are. (No offense). Don't worry though. I bet your friend didn't even know it was coming, and one day it will happen to you too.

jennifer said...

Oh, I know I've been guilty of this one. Seeing as how I dislike it when friends fall off the face of the earth when a relationship starts, then magically reappear when it ends, I suppose I shall have to be more balanced in my relationship/friendship time ratios.

Spinster in the City (SitC) said...

ii eee, Do you live in Salt Lake?

We should get everyone together and have a semi annual Spinster Shindig. Everyone would have to bring at least one spinster, or if they don't like that word female singleton friend, with them.

Jenn, you wanna be in on this action, Maybe around Aug 16th?

i i eee said...

I'm in South Jordan, so not too far.

I'm always on the look out for new sexy spinsters to hang out with. We're an endangered species; we must unite.

By the way, you should read this blog. It's seriously soooo good!

Brenda said...

ii eee - you live in South Jordan?! That's great - so do I! Since I moved out there - my friends have changed (since I live too far away from the ones in SLC - they can't come and visit me anymore - so I had to make new ones). Such is the life of a single girl that moved away from her "friends" in SLC. I guess I'm going to have to become more teritorial and have friends where ever I live :)

i i eee said...

Ooh Tortuga, watch out we probably already know each other! Ha!

I'm dying to find some peeps to hang out with that live nearby. What with gas prices these days, and I spend too much of my time commuting already, making me reluctant to go anywhere that'll take longer than 10 minutes.

We'll have to meet up sometime. :)

Brenda said...

Yeah - you said you thought you already know who I was. That's kind of creepy - since I don't know who you are......

i i eee said...

Hahahaha. Yeah, I guess it's kind of creepy. I think we might have gone to high school together. But don't hate! Maybe it was somewhere else, in another ward or something? I'm terrible with remembering that kind of thing until I know a person better.

My first name is Rachel. If you want to email me: softspot4heels at yahoo dot com. Or if you have an email you're willing to share, I can email you. :)

Scully said...

I have 1 (ONE!) friend that is not involved with someone. And she lives 600+ miles away. Thank heavens for blogging, no? Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm glad to read yours. It's going in my bookmark list. We need to stick together, right?

Spinster in the City (SitC) said...

Good to see you here. It's good to have a little online community of like minded women.