Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Blog by any other name...

So I'm thinking of changing the title of my blog. Not the address, lest people not know where to find me, but just the title. I want something a little more unique and clever (or maybe just funnier) than what I have now. So does anyone out there have any ideas?

I was thinking about changing the name to "The Spinster 'Hood". Oh course then my friend pointed out that it sounded too much like "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" and would feel like it needed an ending. I then suggested "The Spinsterhood of the Wandering Uterus" (Supposedly in the old days all sorts of maladies were said to be caused by a wandering uterus. Jenn did you first tell me about this? Anyway...), but then I decided I would get google hits from people not wanting to find out about spinster issues, so I nixed that idea.

My friend suggested "Spinsterology: the study of all things spinsteral." We got a good laugh out of that and thought it would be fun. What do all y'all think?


jennifer said...

I have not thought of a good name for your blog, but yes, in ancient times many mental health issues causing moodiness in women were thought to be the result of the uterus literally wandering and searching the body for the children that weren't conceived. It's also where we get such terms as hysteria, hysterical, and hysterectomy.

Jessi said...

I like the spinsterology one, except would it be difficult to find if someone were to google "spinster"?