Friday, January 4, 2008

Spinster Sisterhood

As it turns out there are many self-proclaimed spinsters out there online. When I googled Spinster Blog I got 366,000 hits. Of course I didn't look at every hit, but here are some of the spinster blog titles I found interesting:

The Spinster Chronicles, Spinsterella, Urban Spinster, The Spinster Sister, Diary of a Mad Spinster, Spinster War Diaries, A Spinster for Life, Celibate in the City: My Spinster Prize, Spinster with Cats, Stories of a Silly Spinster, FrankenGirl: Who's afraid of a Spinster, The Spinster Girl's Guide to Love, Latter Day Spinster, and many others!

Some are by LDS women, some aren't. I haven't gotten around to reading many of them yet, but you will for sure get my views on them as soon as I do.

So why are we so ready to calls ourselves spinsters? I was starting to call myself spinster at 23! Did that become some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy? I don't know. Maybe we want to call ourselves spinster before anyone else has a chance to. Maybe we have resolved to stay single, so spinster just sounds appropo. Whatever the reason the word spinster doesn't have to be a bad word, actually it sounds kind of hip when you strip all past connotations from it. So lets do just that, let go of the past and embrace the future as single swingin' SPINSTERS!

1 comment:

i i eee said...

I love Celibate in the City. I wish she would update more often.